
At St Margaret’s, we follow a Stay on Green positive behaviour policy, which can be found in the policies section of our website. We link all our conversations with children about their behaviour to our Christian values of Love, Joy, Kindness, Patience and Self-control based of The Fruits of the Spirit and agreed upon with the children, parents staff and governors.
Through school and classroom routines, positivity and high expectations, the children’s behaviour for learning has been praised by external reviewers and we pride ourselves on the obvious enthusiasm the children have for their learning, which is positively reflected in their behaviour in class. 
Children who do not follow the school rules are given warnings and reminders in order to turn their behaviour around. If they do not, then they are given a yellow card warning and if their behaviour is still challenging then they will receive a red card and be moved within the class or sent to another class to continue their learning.
At lunchtime, there are a range of interesting games and activities which the children can take part in, supervised by our mid-day assistants and members of the Senior Leadership Team. The children can interact with all the children in their key stage and the Year 6 buddies are also on duty in KS2 each day to help supervise the games and support children who needs help to manage the outside playtime. 
When necessary, be it at playtime, lunchtime or during learning time, children who significantly fall below our behaviour expectations or who are particularly unkind or who hurt someone will be sent to their phase leader or another member of SLT. They will discuss the mistakes they have made, reflect on their actions, apologise as necessary and complete a red reflection sheet linked to our values. Children will miss some break or lunchtime with a member of SLT and parents may then be contacted.
All behaviour issues are recorded on our confidential electronic system known as CPOMS which enables us to spot patterns in behaviour and keep track of actions and consequences. 

Parents Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 2nd April and Thursday 3rd April 2025

This will go live on Friday 14th March @4pm

To book your parent evening appointment on