Collective Worship
Collective worship is at the core of St Margaret’s and is an element that we celebrate and look forward to taking part in, every day. We believe that God has created and given us all things and that the scripture in Matthew 7:7 ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will opened to you,’ is a key part of our daily worship. With this in mind, within classes, the children and adults take part in morning and afternoon prayers, committing and asking for help and strength from God. In class collective takes place on a Wednesday morning and it is a really wonderful time of reflection and discussion, as well as prayer and worship – as has been observed by our pupil – Worship Council and the Diocesan of Chelmsford.
As well as this we also hold corporate collective worship, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays. This is a precious time and a great way to start of finish the day. Our collective worship consists of the following elements:
- Prayer
- Worship songs
- Pupil involvement
- Bible scripture that links to theme
- A reflection time
Each collective worship session is prepared and delivered by a teacher, with a focus on specific themes and bible scripture to compliment these themes and each term is based on a wider general theme. Collective worship is an integral part of school life at St. Margaret’s. During the Spring term, we will be exploring the values of Faith, Love and Forgiveness, values which are reflected in the Character of Jesus. We will be looking at the example of how Jesus lived his life and how this teaches us how to live our lives, as well as how we react and respond to different scenarios. Additionally, we will be following the Christian calendar and celebrating the themes of Epiphany and Lent.