At St Margaret’s we take our pupils’ voice very seriously. As a result of this, we have three councils with pupil involvement:
Worship Council
Learning Council
School Council
Eco Council
Each of these councils are established early on in the autumn term with the members being democratically elected by their classmates. This provides the pupils with an insight into the democratic process in electing Governments and further develops our teaching around British Values.
Listed below are the results of the Council votes and the consequent elected members of each council.
Pupils who nominated themselves for election were required to write a speech that was delivered to their classmates. Following this, each class had the opportunity to partake in a secret ballot to elect one member per council. We will hold a new election process to elect new members of each council this school year. The elected pupils will play a big part in how the school is run, including how we conduct worship, how to improve teaching and learning and ideas for ‘whole school projects’ and inspirational days/trips/workshops.
Learning Council Aims: Led by Ms Lawrence
To enable pupils to take part in their learning, by making pupils at the school more aware of what good learning is.
To get pupils more engaged in the learning process.
To obtain pupils’ insights into what makes a good lesson.
Worship Council Aims: Led by Mr. Harris
- To enable pupils to organise, structure and support worship within the school day.
- To give pupils understanding of what worship is and why it is important as Christians.
- To give pupils the opportunity to better express their worship to God.
- To provide feedback regarding the effectiveness of our collective acts of worship and applying our school vision.
School Council Aims: Led by Mr Haque
- To give pupils the opportunity to innovate and create ideas to enhance their environment and provision.
- To enable pupils to propose trips/workshops other ways to enrich learning at St. Margaret’s.
- To enable pupils to be part of enterprising at St. Margaret’s, such as Eco School projects and community based outreach projects.
Eco Council Aims: Led by Miss Hughes
• To enable pupils to take part in their learning, environmental reviews and preparing action plans.
• To get pupils more engaged in local and global issues.
• To obtain pupils’ insights into what makes a safer, cleaner community.

Pupils who nominated themselves for election were required to write a speech that was delivered to their classmates. Following this, each class had the opportunity to partake in a secret ballot to elect one member per council. The elected pupils play a big part in how the school is run, including how we conduct worship, how to improve teaching and learning and ideas for ‘whole school projects’ and inspirational days/trips/workshops.