Our Curriculum
Learning takes place in a wide range of ways at St. Margaret’s, both in and out of the classroom. Our curriculum ensures excellent coverage of the National Curriculum (Years 1-6) and Foundation Stage Early Years Curriculum (Reception Children). We have fully embraced the higher expectations set out in both curriculums and have devised our own units of work for each subject area so that we can ensure a sound progression of learning.
We also have a core team of specialist teachers who are passionate about their curriculum area; these teachers work with different groups of children each year. Our team includes PE, music, art and computing specialists and we make excellent use of our on site forest school, art hut, virtual reality headsets, robotics equipment and 3D printing facilities.
Our pupils frequently go on educational visits to a wide range of places; they regularly visit art galleries and museums as well as local places of interests and we regularly invite and host visitors such as authors, theatre companies and other professionals to our school to provide an additional layer to our pupils’ experiences and give breadth to learning. This is something we are looking forward to reinstating as soon as government restrictions ease and it is safe to do so again.
Our curriculum has been designed and developed to excite, engage and empower all learners by providing a rich and stimulating education that meets the needs of all children through relevant and purposeful content and meaningful experiences and enables all of our children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with enquiring minds, a life-long love of learning and a thoughtful and considerate approach to life.
Our Reception pupils learn both indoors and outdoors, experiencing a range of adult led and child initiated activities. We value and incorporate the children’s interests as they develop. As children approach their final half term of reception, they start to prepare for their transition to year 1 and begin to experience key stage 1 learning. In years 1-6, we ensure that this ‘active’ and ‘engaging’ learning continues, with teachers maximising opportunities for talk time, active, visual, audio learning and the use of the outdoors. At all times, we focus on learning being challenging, engaging and enjoyable.
At St Margaret’s, we believe that children learn best when they are excited about their learning; for this reason, we teach a themed approach where possible. Through making strong links across curriculum areas, children begin to make connections and the learning experience is much richer. Each term, when children return to school after their termly break, teachers and children get dressed up in line with the theme of learning and get to experience their ‘WOW’ day. This is a day of immersive learning where children really get a good grounding in the new theme. Children in year 1-6 also take part in a project exhibition, where they get to showcase their project work that was completed over the termly holiday –this is always a great celebration.
The learning experience we provide is completed with the knowledge that each child is unique and special. As a Church of England Primary School, we place our Christian values at the heart of everything that we do; we live our values. We teach the Diocese programme of study for religious education and also place worship very firmly in our day to day lives. Assemblies take place each week where children learn from the stories in the Bible. Each week, we focus one of our Christian Values. We also attend Church each half term. Each day we aim to fulfil our mission statement: ‘Educating for Life’ by encouraging the whole development of each and every child as a person made in God’s image and deeply loved by their Maker.
If you would like further information on our school curriculum please contact us through the school office by emailing st-margarets-school@genesistrust.net.
KS1 Reading & Phonics Scheme Information
In Key Stage 1, we use RML and Benchmark to assess and support children in their reading.
For Key Stage 1 phonics, we use a phonics screening test to assess our children on their understanding of phonics.
Religious Education Programme of Study
Y1 Religious Education Programme of Study
Y2 Religious Education Programme of Study
Y3 Religious Education Programme of Study
Y4 Religious Education Programme of Study
Y5 Religious Education Programme of Study