Our Curriculum Map

Transformers curriculum map.pptxPlease find the below download.

Young Transformers Curriculum

We want to ensure that our curriculum is varied and supports the development of the ‘whole child’, where each pupil can learn to flourish in every aspect of their lives and they can work for the flourishing of others and for the planet we share. Our Young Transformers initiative is based on our Christian vision and incorporates the 5Cs – Creative, Caring, Curiosity, Community and Confidence. It aims to provide our pupils with a developmental programme that provides opportunities to live out our vision in life.

Each class will have a curriculum map designed to provide opportunities in which they are able to be involved in transformational experiences.  An example of this is during the spring term, year 3 will learn how young girls in some parts of the world miss out on their education and how this affects their life chances.  Our pupils will plan, prepare, bake and sell cakes to support this cause; by educating our children we offer them the opportunity to make positive change. This ‘caring’ approach is linked to our school vision and our Christian beliefs.

We aim to develop skills in a variety of ways but recognise for our approach to be successful these experiences can be complimented successfully through some home based activities.  For example, in the autumn term we will encourage our Young Transformers to plan, prepare and share a breakfast with a loved one. We will challenge the pupils to attempt tasks that are new to them, independently and with care. The pupils will reflect on this experience to recognise the time and effort of their involvement is like their gift and in return they receive love and appreciation; expressing our Christian values through the deeds we do.


Parents Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 2nd April and Thursday 3rd April 2025

This will go live on Friday 14th March @4pm

To book your parent evening appointment on
