Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy
At St Margaret’s, we are committed to the safeguarding of all our pupils, staff and visitors.
Our mission statement is based upon Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
“Training children to be confident, independent learners with enquiring minds, a life-long love of learning and an approach to life that reflects core biblical values and principles.”
The leadership and Governors of the school recognise that it is imperative that our children are safe from harm and able to thrive in order to fulfil the school’s mission statement and be able to enjoy life in its fullness. Our safeguarding policy reflects our mission.
The Safeguarding Policy can be found in the ‘Statutory Information’ section of our website.
Named personnel with designated responsibility for Safeguarding (DSL)
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mrs S Bannon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Miss Walsh
Miss Cherry
Mrs Matthews
Mrs S Newman
Ms K Lawrence
Miss T Dairo
Miss J Elliott
Miss L Phaup
Mr G Callus
Mr A Haque
Mrs Joda
Designated Safeguarding Governor
Ms T Bankole
Around our school, there are posters with photographs, identifying the members of staff above as people that the children can speak to if they have worries or issues. Through our Personal, Health and Social Education curriculum, including Computing, assemblies and outside visitors children are made aware of dangers – at an age appropriate level – and how to keep themselves safe. Children are encouraged to speak about anything that they may be worried about and are reminded that all the staff are able to help and protect them.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all staff have a duty to be alert to and refer any concerns to a DSL using our confidential electronic system known as CPOMS. The DSL will then follow the procedure set out to deal with matters of safeguarding, which may involve contacting outside agencies.
St Margaret’s pays full regard to the DfE Guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. Staff are given regular training about their safeguarding responsibility and kept up to date with current legislation and advice. Visitors to St Margaret’s receive a leaflet about safeguarding when they arrive outlining their role in keeping our children safe.